1.S. protesters, though nostalgia for Mao Zedong's bygone era appeared to be a main driver.
2.After years of "chatting, " I actually heard her voice: a weathered, pretty thing, seemingly encased in a bygone era, unmarred by modernity.
3.Inside Russia, there are other disquieting similarities to what was thought of as a bygone era.
4.And in an era when job security is a relic of a bygone era, owning a business means you never have to worry about being fired or outsourced.
5.In 1991, in Mexico's Yucatan peninsula found a bygone era in the meteors, this fact impact craters further confirmed this view.
6.In any event, China's reflexes belong to a bygone era, a fact that will become dangerously obvious if Japan seeks its own deterrent.
7.The remnant of a bygone era - a railway network that linked small towns and villages to the sea ports on the Croatian coast.
8.If the carry trade is now part of a bygone era, so is the weakness of the yen.
9.The silver tea service and strains of Chopin bespeak a bygone era. But a revamped version of afternoon tea is thriving.
10.A statue found in an ancient ruin is actually a petrified spell caster from a bygone era.